The American Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines, Inc. is a private, independent and non-profit association incorporated under Philippines laws in July 1920. It is affiliated with the Chamber of Commerce of the U.S.A. (COCUSA) and the Asia-Pacific Council of American Chambers (APCAC).
It maintains close liaison with other foreign chambers in Manila and Philippine business groups: the Employers Confederation of the Philipppines (ECOP), Philippine Chamber of Commerce & Industry (PCCI), Philippine Association of Multinational Regional Headquarters (PAMURI), Makati Business Club (MBC), Management Association of the Philippines (MAP), Financial Executives Institute of the Philippines (FINEX), and other trade and business organizations.
It also networks in the U.S. with the Philippine-American Chamber of Commerce in New York, US-RP Business Committee, Asia Society, and the US-ASEAN Council.
AmCham works closely with the American Embassy in Manila, particularly with the Foreign Commercial Service, the Economic Section, the Agricultural Office, USAID, and the Consular Section.
This is a commitment of long standing, as its mission statement declares:
“The Chamber exists to serve the needs and wants of U.S. businesses through the participation of members in promoting their long-term objectives, while contributing to the civic and economic development of the Philippines”.
AmCham also maintains the American Desk at the Board of Investments (BOI), Department of Trade & Industry, which started operation in 1992 as a concrete, visible commitment to actively assist U.S. companies and individuals doing business or desiring to do business in the Philippines.
Contact Information:
Mr. Ebb Hinchliffe – Executive Director
Mr. James Wilkins – President
Office Address: 2nd Floor, Corinthian Plaza, Paseo de Roxas
Legaspi Village, Makati City
Telephone number: 818 – 7911
Fax number: 811 – 3081
Email address: [email protected]

Organized in 1986, the American Chamber Foundation Phils Inc. (AmCham Foundation) serves as the socio-civic arm of the American Chamber of Commerce of the Phils. in promoting good corporate citizenship among its members. It inspires, promotes and facilitates corporate social responsibility awareness and practices among AmCham members. It also implements programs on youth development and disaster response.
Contact Information:
Mr. Edwin Feist – President
Mr. Rommel Ragasa- Acting Executive Director
Office Address: Leonard Benjamin Development Center
4554 Casino cor. Olivares Sts., Palanan, Makati City
Telephone number: 834-0184 / 551-8060
Fax number: 834-1192
Email address: [email protected]

AWCP promotes American cultural values in its activities, while appreciating and participating in the international community. The AWCP is a focal point from which its members network, build and seek support, disseminate information and participate in community service.
Contact Information:
Ms. Holly Reines – President Ms. Kathy Gold – Chairman
Office address:
(Makati ofc) Church of the Holy Trinity,
48 McKinley Road, Forbes Park, Makati City
(Alabang ofc) Unit 401 Park Trade Center
1716 Investment Drive, Madrigal Business Park, Alabang, Muntinlupa City
Telephone number: 817-7587 (Makati office)
850-0901 (Alabang office)
Fax number: 894-2466 (Makati office)
772-5673 (Alabang office)
Email address: [email protected]

PAGA is a non-sectarian, non-political organization dedicated to the protection and care of indigent Amerasian children in the Philippines. The Association has quietly done work primarily in helping to make responsible citizens of unfortunate Amerasian children, whose fathers have died, or left without knowing of their parenthood or abandoned them.
Contact Information:
Mr. Terry Haas – President
Ms. Deanna H. Bajar – Executive Director
Office Address:
Unit 600, Erechem Bldg. Salcedo corner VA Rufino Sts., Legaspi Village, Makati City
Telephone Number: 817 – 5896
Email address: [email protected] Website:

“The American Association of the Philippines…was bred of an idea and born of a specific necessity…”
The American Association of the Philippines constitution states: “…founded on the concept of community
interest, welfare, and responsibility. It is non-commercial. It is non-political. Its purpose is the general welfare
of United States citizens. …the American Association invites the membership, cooperation and mutual
assistance of United States citizens residing in the Philippines….”
Contact Information:
Mr. Rick Sobreviñas – Chairman
Mr. Joe Maristella III – President
Office Address:
Unit 601, Erechem Building
Salcedo corner, VA Rufino Street
Legaspi Village, Makati City
Telephone number: 892 – 5198 / 752 – 2255
Fax number: 867 – 1698
Email address: [email protected] Website:

The Philippine Retirement Authority (PRA) is a government owned and controlled corporation created by virtue of Executive Order No. 1037, signed by former President Ferdinand E. Marcos on 04 July 1985. On 31 August 2001, through Executive Order No. 26, the control and supervision of PRA was transferred to the Board of Investments (BOI) – Department of Trade and Industry from the Office of the President.
On 12 May 2009, Republic Act No. 9593, otherwise known as Tourism Act of 2009, PRA became an attached agency of the Department of Tourism and placed under the supervision of the Secretary.
PRA is mandated to develop and promote the Philippines as retirement haven as a means of accelerating the social and economic development of the country, strengthening its foreign exchange position at the same time providing further best quality of life to the targeted retirees in a most attractive package.
Contact Information:
Office Address:
29th Floor, Citibank Tower, 8741 Paseo De Roxas, Makati, Metro Manila
Telephone number: 848 – 1412 to 16
Fax number: 848 – 1421
Email address: [email protected]